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Data Analytics Program

Over the course of the past decade, the explosion of data has transformed nearly every industry known to man. Whether it’s in marketing, healthcare, government, or activism — the ability to translate data into insights has quickly become a highly in-demand skill by all. The UM Data Analytics Boot Camp is a part-time 24 week program that will empower you to gain the knowledge and skills to conduct robust analytics on a host of real-world problems.

The program is designed to fit into your life, whether you’re employed or attending college full-time, with convenient weekend and evening sessions. The program is rigorous, fast-paced, and focused on the practical technical skills needed to solve data problems. Throughout the course, you’ll be gaining proficiencies on a host of marketable technologies like Advanced Excel, Python, JavaScript, (D3.js, Leaflet.js), HTML/CSS, API Interactions, Social Media Mining, SQL, Tableau, Fundamental Statistics, Machine Learning, R, Git/GitHub and more. Plus, you’ll have an impressive Professional Portfolio and the confidence you need to succeed in the data driven economy.


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