PsychologySocial Sciences & Pre-Law

Legal Tips for Non-Lawyers

Demystify the legal landscape in this course with Nkem Ekwukoma, a business lawyer with over 20 years of experience. Nkem offers practical advice for professionals across all sectors who need to confidently navigate essential legal issues that impact daily business operations.

Learn how to effectively select and instruct a lawyer, understand the confidentiality of legal advice through privilege, and prepare for worst-case legal scenarios. Understand how to mitigate risks proactively, utilize non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) effectively, and grasp the essentials of BATNA (best alternative to a negotiated agreement) to strengthen your negotiation tactics.

Ideal for anyone from corporate executives to small business owners, this course empowers you to safeguard against legal risks and optimize your interactions with legal professionals. Gain confidence to handle legal challenges, protect your business, and leverage legal strategies to enhance your operational outcomes.

This course was created by Nkem Ekwukoma for CRFT Productions. We are pleased to host this training in our library.

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