Career Champions Network: Handshake Resource Spotlight
Learn more about Handshake, a career services platform created for students and alumni to use in their career development. It houses resources that can be used at any time and shows a list of all the career events Toppel is hosting. Handshake is used by over 200,000 employers, including all Fortune 500 companies.
The Career Champions Network was created to support faculty and staff with strategies, resources, and connections to help students achieve fulfilling careers. Students often utilize their mentors across campus, individuals like yourself, to look for additional support as they navigate through their career decisions. The Career Champions Network will provide you with the tools to better guide them!
The Network will provide you with up-to-date information on the workplace and help you better understand the career needs of University of Miami students. Additionally, the Network brings together Career Champions from around campus to discuss best practices for working with students.