Help your client succeed in court as part of Mayer Brown’s commercial litigation team
Welcome to the Mayer Brown Introduction to Litigation Job Simulation. We are so excited to have you here!
We have deep experience in high-stakes litigation and complex transactions across industry sectors, including our signature strength, the global financial services industry.Our clients recognize our diverse teams of lawyers as strategic partners with deep commercial instincts and a commitment to creatively anticipating their needs and delivering excellence in everything we do.Our “one-firm” culture—seamless and integrated across all practices and regions—ensures that our clients receive the best of our knowledge and experience.
During this program, you will get the opportunity to step into the shoes of a Mayer Brown team member and complete tasks that replicate our legal team’s daily work. You’ll learn how to apply the law and develop skills for communication, presentation and attention to detail.
We hope this program provides a great resource to up-skill and strengthen your resume as you explore career options and a potential career at Mayer Brown!
Please note: To complete this program and earn your program certificate, you will need to complete a minimum of three Tasks.
This program is self-paced. It takes approximately 1-2 hours to complete.
Skills Learned:
Objection – Hearsay!
Strike out the claimant’s evidence using rules on hearsay- Critical Thinking
- Applying the Law
- Attention to Detail
Gathering Evidence
Identify the types of evidence from the pre-trial exhibit list- Evidence Law
- Analytical Thinking
- Legal Research
Use your skills to cross-examine a witness on trial- Strategy
- Communication
- Critical Thinking
The Trial’s Closing Arguments
Present the defendant’s closing arguments- Presentation
- Communication
- Fact Analysis
Finish Line