Do’s And Don’ts On Job Seekers Networking

Do’s And Don’ts On Job Seekers Networking

Networking is more important than one might think. When applying for a job, companies want to know who you are. No longer will companies base you on the resume that you send to them – they want to see your face. That’s where networking comes in!

Networking is all about job seekers getting to know companies and brands, and vice versa. In this way, both job seeker and company can have a unique relationship with each other, thus opening doors to even more opportunities for both parties.

While there are many do’s and don’ts, this brief guide will name just a handful of these:

The Do’s

Use LinkedIn And Other Professional Platforms

Nowadays, according to Kinsta, 87% of recruiters from various companies use sites like LinkedIn to find job seekers,” says Benny Johnson, a recruiter at Academized. “With more than 55 million companies on such a website, recruitment means networking opportunities for the job seeker. By setting up a profile that describes your qualifications, accomplishments, and interests, you’ll soon get plenty of eyes on you, including those from companies looking for people like you.”

Search For Potential Networking “Buddies”

If potential networking individuals and companies aren’t coming to you (whether in-person or online), then go to them yourself. In other words, what are some of the companies that you like? Write down a list of companies and brands that you like. Then, see where there are networking opportunities (in-person or online) where you can meet these businesses yourself.

Getting creative about searching for potential networking contacts shows companies your willingness to network with others.

Organize Your Networking Contacts

Just like you organize your contacts on your smartphone, do the same with your networking contacts. In this way, you’re scroll carelessly, trying to find the right contact to call or text.

Plus, don’t just keep your contacts on your mobile device. Have a physical copy of your contacts as well. Having your contacts placed in a folder or binder (or any other storage) is also essential for your networking endeavors.

Find A Good Mentor

The truth is, the job search can come with its own challenges. If you’ll struggling in one area or another when looking for a job or networking opportunity, don’t be afraid to talk to a mentor about it. Asking for help can make the job search easier and more bearable. Plus, the mentor can be a networking contact to add to the list.

The Don’ts

Don’t Be Shy

The last thing you want is to choke whenever you’re trying to network with other individuals and companies. If you don’t speak up, people will pass you up – that’s a missed opportunity!

Why not introduce yourself to people when you network? Add a smile to complement your professional demeanor when meeting with possible recruiters, managers, etc. Companies want to see that you’re approachable, which is a definite plus.

Don’t Leave The Resumes And Business Cards At Home

When networking, it’s important to have something to show for your efforts,” says Mitchell Boone, an HR manager at Ukwritings. “Chances are, you might run into a recruiter for your favorite brand, or a company that you’ve always wanted to work for. When that happens, you’ll need to have your resume and business card in hand. For in-person networking events, you’ll need to print out copies of your resume and business card, so that you can start handing them out to interested parties.”

Don’t Neglect to Thank People You Network With

Now that you have people coming to you at a networking event… now that you’ve handed out the resumes and business cards, it’s time to say “Thank you”! Be sure to thank everyone that chooses to network with you.

You can send them a “thank you” note or email. And, you can keep in touch with the folks that you’ve networked with. In this way, your contacts will remember you and extend their correspondence with you.

Don’t Ever Stop Networking!

Finally, don’t stop! Keep on networking!

Yes, even though you’ve found a job, it’s still important to keep networking with the people that got you to that point. Again, thank them for helping you land the job. You never know! There might be more opportunities even after you’ve got the job.


Ultimately, networking is the way to go for job seekers. As you take advantage of the do’s discussed in this guide, and avoid mistakes from the don’ts, your job search will bring you closer to your dream job!

By Sara Sparrow
Sara Sparrow